Ongoing Activities – CCDC DEVCOM

Ongoing Activities: ACC-APG   ATEC   C5ISR Center   CCDC   CECOM   DAC   ECBC    JPEO CBRND   PEO-C3T Network CFT PEO IEW&S

November 2022

  • Appointed a new EDCG, Dr. Eric Moore…
  • Continuing to work with DEVCOM advisor as part of the process to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs
  • DEVCOM will be introducing a new industry Liaison in the coming weeks. Will be an advisor to local NDIA Chapter
  • NDIA coordinating meeting date/time with EDCG

September 2022

Continuing to work with DEVCOM advisor as part of the process to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs

July 2022

  • DEVCOM advisor expressed a strong willingness to work with NDIA and other community organizations to discuss ways to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs. Board will begin working with DEVCOM across the C5ISR enterprise to see where we can find some common understanding on this matter
  • The last data point received from DEVCOM with respect to PC22 nominations is that they continue to evaluate submissions and are notifying companies as they go with respect to entry into PC22. Organizations continue to receive notifications

May 2022

  • DEVCOM advisor expressed a strong willingness to work with NDIA and other community organizations to discuss ways to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs. Board will begin working with DEVCOM across the C5ISR enterprise to see where we can find some common understanding on this matter
  • The last data point received from DEVCOM with respect to PC22 nominations is that they continue to evaluate submissions and are notifying companies as they go with respect to entry into PC22. Organizations continue to receive notifications

April 2022

  • DEVCOM advisor expressed a strong willingness to work with NDIA and other community organizations to discuss ways to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs. Board will begin working with DEVCOM across the C5ISR enterprise to see where we can find some common understanding on this matter
  • The last data point received from DEVCOM with respect to PC22 nominations is that they continue to evaluate submissions and are notifying companies as they go with respect to entry into PC22

March 2022

  • Director S&TCD and shortly Integration and has expressed an interest in periodic engagements with industry similar to what PEO IEW&S is doing and what JPEO CBRND and PM I2S have expressed interest in.
  • NDIA spoke with C5ISR Center lead for ALE Investment RFIs. Feedback is that all industry inputs informed ALE investment decisions and that follow-ups will be via specific RFIs on SAM.Gov
  • Feedback from the 24 February C5ISR Center Industry Day event suggests that it would be to everyone’s benefit for the C5ISR Center to conduct a FOUO event following the upcoming APG APBI

February 2022

  • DEVCOM’s newly assigned Partner outreach representative has been designated primary DEVCOM advisor to local NDIA board – Thanks John and team.
  • Met with DEVCOM advisor to the board to orient him to our efforts and the greater insight into technology transition plans/planning to inform industry IR&D
  • DEVCOM advisor showed a strong willingness to work with NDIA and other community organizations to discuss ways to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs
  • DEVCOM advisor interested in attending chapter monthly meeting

November 2021

  • DEVCOM’s newly assigned they have designated Partner outreach representative primary DEVCOM advisor to local NDIA board – Thanks John and team.
  • Met with DEVCOM advisor to the board to orient him to our efforts and the greater insight into technology transition plans/planning to inform industry IR&D
  • DEVCOM advisor showed a strong willingness to work with NDIA and other community organizations to discuss ways to make the IR&D and OTA process more responsive to industry and USG common needs
  • DEVCOM advisor interested in attending chapter monthly meeting

October 2021:

  • We are reaching out to CCDC to identify a new advisor to the board
  • The primary common interest item centers around greater insight into technology transition plans/planning to inform industry IR&D

July 2021:

  • New CG BG Edmond Brown assumed command of DEVCOM on 9 July 2021
  • We are reaching out to CCDC to identify a new advisor to the board
  • The primary common interest item centers around greater insight into technology transition plans/planning to inform industry IR&D

April 2021:

  • We are reaching out to CCDC to identify a new advisor to the board
  • The primary common interest item centers around greater insight into technology transition plans/planning to inform industry IR&D

March 2021: DEVCOM published the “Future of Work Concept.” The document provides operating tenets associated with their “competency-based” talent management approach. Should be made available to local colleges and universities that generate the people to fill the talent pipeline.

NDIA meets regularly with the leadership of the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC). If you have any suggestions for topics or questions for the command please submit them to our Chapter President, David Lockhart at (703) 872-4804, or e-mail