Ongoing Activities – ATEC

Ongoing Activities: ACC-APG   ATEC   C5ISR Center   CCDC   CECOM   DAC   ECBC    JPEO CBRND   PEO-C3T Network CFT PEO IEW&S

NDIA met with Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) in 2020 and took the following actions. If you have any suggestions for topics or questions for the command please submit them to our Chapter President, David Lockhart at (703) 872-4804, or e-mail

1. Provided rationale for talking with their contracting organization and gathered understanding ATEC contracting environment.

2 – Facilitate obtaining greater fidelity on ATEC’s 10 top technologies and facilitate a forum to discuss with industry.

3. Facilitate an ATEC virtual forum/town hall to communicate with industry regularly.