Ongoing Activities

November 2022

Pending/Board Actions

  • Coordinating with the C5ISR Center for a presentation on how to more effectively work within the confines of DoD 5000.83 – will address new rules, policies, and procedures reference protecting the distribution of sensitive information to industry in appropriate spaces, i.e., PEO C3T’s JCM. Will contemplate engaging ASA(ALT) policy and or DASM office to continue this effort.
  • Working with ACC-APG to understand the contours of their broader industry engagement plan. Will be a multifaceted plan that includes something like a PALT/ALT for more APG organizations; more frequent technology exchanges with industry; etc., 

General Observations/Feedback from Cross Enterprise Events

  • With the advent of CUI codified in DoD 5000.83 and several other documents, including classified documents, portals that provide CUI information to industry will become ever more important, particularly the NCFT/PEO C3T JCM and other emerging portals. Industry has to work with our USG partners to increase the probability that the content will more effectively inform IR&D efforts, serving to increase competition and innovation across industry.
  • DEVCOM appointed a new EDCG, Dr. Eric Moore. Welcome Dr. Moore.
  • Several member companies have indicated they are looking forward to the joint ACC-APG/S3COE and C5ISR Center symposium on DoD 5000.83. Several companies are challenged by the new DUI rules and procedures.
  • Several members/member companies have indicated that TRMC continues to be interested in an Army regional range as part of the NCRC/EPOS construct. More to follow…
  • Linkage between US Government Programs (OTA, S&T, Programs of Record), IR&D, Flow of USG Tech Data, and industry preparedness for follow-on Government competition. In conjunction with other chapters, our chapter is leading the charge on illuminating and improving this important process. Over the past 3 months we have had the opportunity to discuss with ASA(ALT), Honorable Doug Bush, during the 11-13 July JADC2 Conference; ASA (ALT)Principal Civilian Deputy, Young Bang;  NCFT;  PEO C3T; PEO IEW&S; C5ISR Center; PEO STRI; PEO Aviation; and ACC-Redstone. Actively working with NCFT and PEO C3T to flush out in the C5ISR community. Strong interest from NDIA Washington DC chapter to team up with APG NDIA Chapter to bring this issue to NDIA National for inclusion in discussions with OSD and Congress.  
  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations

July 2022

Board Changes

  • David Jimenez, VP at Jacobs, graciously agreed to come on the board as an advisor effective July 2022. Welcome David and Thanks.

Pending/Board Actions

  • Will coordinate with appropriate local Association to host C5ISR Center Associate Director presentation on how to more effectively work within the confines of DoD 5000.83 – about protecting the distribution of sensitive information in public spaces
  • Based on feedback from several members and small organizations, the Board is drafting a short document that helps people, particularly small companies,  understand how to more effectively engage in the DoD environment
  • Working with ACC-APG to understand the contours of their broader industry engagement plan. Will be a multifaceted plan that includes something like a PALT/ALT for more APG organizations; more frequent technology exchanges with industry; etc., 

General Observations/Feedback from Cross Enterprise Events

  • Discussion with ASA(ALT), Honorable Doug Bush: During the 11-13 July JADC2 Conference, in my capacity as President of the local Central MD NDIA chapter, I had the opportunity discuss the linkage and impact between OTA (and FAR) based acquisitions, IR&D, Flow of Government technical data throughout the process and follow-on production competition with Hon Doug Bush, ASA(ALT) and AAE. I let him know prior to his presentation that I would ask the question – he said fair. During the Q&A period my question was asked and the moderator, Hon Bush and Hon Sean Stackley talked about it for over 15 minutes, all agreeing it was beneficial to both industry and Government to keep industry IR&D efforts informed throughout the process. Following his presentation, I followed up with Hon Bush and he thanked me for his response to the question and he said that he will raise the issue with his staff and PEOs. This is a similar topic brought up to the Principal Civilian Deputy, Young Bang, NCFT, and PEO C3T at TEM 8, PEO IEW&S during CEMA 2022; PEO STRI during TSIS 2022, and PEO Aviation over the past few months. Will be working with NCFT and PEO C3T to flush out in the C5ISR community. Strong interest from NDIA Washington DC chapter to team up with APG NDIA Chapter to bring this issue to NDIA National for inclusion in discussions with OSD and Congress.  
  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations
  • As many of you know there were several changes of charter, promotions, and retirements at various echelons in June and July: MG Rob Collins relinquished PEO C3T leadership to MG Tony Potts; Darryl Colvin, SES, assumed leadership of JPEO CBRND; COL Garth Winterle relinquished PM Tactical Radios leadership to COL Shermoan Daiyaan; COL Ed Barker, DPEO IEW&S was promoted to BG; and EDCG DEVCOM, John Willison, SES, retired from Federal Service.
  • Kenyata Wesley, SES, Executive Director ACC-APG, relinquished leadership of ACC-APG and assumed a position of higher authority/responsibility with the Health and Human Services Dept in June 2022.
  • Larry Muzzelo, SES, EDCG CECOM’ retirement ceremony is on 25 August. He will be sorely missed. A great advocate for the C5ISR community.
  • Appreciate Liedo’s support to our 13 July get together at Ripken Stadium to watch Iron birds vs. Jersey Shore Blue Claws
  • Central MD NDIA chapter received a request from the State of MD’s senior regional manager for Europe requesting, in my capacity as the President of the local chapter, assistance with a program designed to foster EU-USA Alliance. Essentially wants me to introduce companies from Slovenia, Italy, and France to companies in the Central MD area interested in establishing a business relationship. The companies will be coming to the US to attend AUSA 2022 and would like to meet with companies at AUSA or Central MD. Profiles of each company will be provided at a later date to other local association leads and their member companies.

Messages from Our Sponsors and Those we Sponsor/Support

  • Chapter President was guest speaker at the Morgan State University Graves Honors Program on 17 May. Wonderful to see such intelligent, highly motivated young people.
  • Your local NDIA board supports the Fisher House Gala. As a matter of fact we sponsor/lead the Basket Raffle every year. The Gala is on 17 September and our lead, Earl Noble is looking for help, participation, and baskets. All of the information necessary to reach Earl is contained in attached basket raffle document and/or visit:

May 2022

Board Changes

  • The NDIA Board of Directors announced Dave Norquist, former DepSecDef, 2019-2021, as the new NDIA National CEO and President, eff 1 May 2022

Pending/Board Actions

  • Began meeting quarterly with NDIA national leadership to discuss acquisition law or policy initiatives or actions that should be pursued at the national level…
  • We are planning on doing a Spring 2022 Night Out at Ripken Stadium, more to follow
  • Based on feedback from several members and small organizations, the Board is drafting a short document that helps people, particularly small companies,  understand how to more effectively engage in the DoD environment
  • Working with ACC-APG to understand the contours of their broader industry engagement plan. Will be a multifaceted plan that includes something like a PALT/ALT for more APG organizations; more frequent technology exchanges with industry; etc., 

General Observations/Feedback from Cross Enterprise Events

  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations
  • APG APBI 2022: Appreciate CECOM providing industry with an look into its business model; Several organizations provided information on opportunities beyond the standard 12-24 months, appreciate those that looked over the horizon into 2024 and 2025; Appreciate opportunity CECOM provided to local association leaders to provide input to this year’s APBI event. Some improvements we would like to see include a longer time horizon of future opportunities from more organizations; less reading of charts and more context associated with a given opportunity; greater leader representation at no-host social events – we enjoyed spending time with those that were able to make it; and finally, a more balanced presentation between SETA and other opportunities – appeared to heavily focused on SETA opportunities according to many of our members.
  • CEMA 2022: Senior leaders at every level highlighted the need for systems to be able to operate in highly contested environments; DEVCOM C5ISR Center objectives aligned with Army CEMA challenges should provide a guide for S&T investments; appreciate the clarity that if you are not investing in CMOSS you are falling behind;  and ACM-EW highlighted three new emerging capability needs that should be taking form in the coming year(s) – signal to pay close attention to what PM EW&C will be doing with ground decoys and deception. I would also like to extend my thanks for PEO IEW&S’s willingness to spend some time discussing OTAs in relation to IR&D, information asymmetry, and follow-on production competition. Will be meeting with PEO IEW&C Chief Engineer to follow-up on discussion started at CEMA. Further, for those paying attention, we are beginning to see a re-emergence of the idea behind OPS/Intel convergence and what that means for a more robust and resilient unified network.
  • Network CFT/PEO C3T TEM 8: Excellent information from all members of the team; big emphasis on data fabric and data centricity; CMOSS; CPI2; Great senior leader discussions. Coming out of that session very clear that the Army is on a steady drumbeat to CMOSS implementation in every domain supported by PEOs/PMs – next big data point that industry needs is to see this move translated into POM input to support industry senior leader information needs for investment; NDIA followed-up on two points: Unified Network Architecture with the Army CIO in collaboration with APEO C3T, NCFT, C5ISR Center and OTAs in relation to IR&D; information asymmetry, and follow-on production competition with ASA(ALT) Principal Civilian Deputy in collaboration with NCFT, APEO C3T, PEO IEW&S, and other organizations as appropriate. Hosted an 18 May meeting with the NCFT Acquisition lead and APEO C3T to discuss each topic, very positive outcome – both believe that implemented properly getting information to companies not on contract that are executing IR&D in support/pursuit of an OTA or FAR-based competition will result in a better prepared industrial base, more competition, and less waste.

April 2022

Board Changes

  • The NDIA Board of Directors will formally announce General (Ret) Hawk Carlisle’s, NDIA National CEO and President, replacement on May 1, 2022.   

Pending/Board Actions

  • We are planning on doing a Spring 2022 Night Out at Ripken Stadium, more to follow
  • Based on feedback from several members and small organizations, the Board is drafting a short document that helps people, particularly small companies,  understand how to more effectively engage in the DoD environment
  • Working with ACC-APG to understand the contours of their broader industry engagement plan. Will be a multifaceted plan that includes something like a PALT/ALT for more APG organizations; more frequent technology exchanges with industry; etc., 

General Observations/Cross Enterprise

  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations
  • One of our board members provided the attached NDIA monthly meeting update. It provides a detailed list of the many government informational events taking place thru December 2022. While it may not capture every event, it is pretty close, and I would highly recommend small companies use as a start point to discern what is happening in the community. Thanks Chris Carr…
  • Finding that both PEO C3T and PEO IEW&S are publishing much more information on CMOSS. For those not familiar with where the Army is trying to go with CMOSS, please educate yourselves and your company’s senior leaders. Spoke with PEO C3T and he and team understand the need for companies to make a business case, anticipate more funding related information in future budget documents.

March 2022

Board Changes

  • While no additional changes to the local board, the National President General (Ret) Hawk Carlisle has retired. The board has a search committee working on his successor.   

Pending/Board Actions

  • We are planning on doing a Spring 2022 Night Out at Ripken Stadium this year instead of in the Fall
  • Based on feedback from several members and small organizations, the Board is drafting a short document that helps people, particularly small companies,  understand how to more effectively engage in the DoD environment
  • Based on feedback on the 24 February C5ISR Center TEM from NDIA members and other associations, NDIA has requested the C5ISR Center to consider a FOUO TEM after the APG APBI
  • Will query PEO C3T update its next newsletter update…community found them very useful and looking for the next update

General Observations/Cross Enterprise

  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations
  • Had an excellent meeting with the C5iSR Center this month. Major topic of discussion centered around guidance associated with DoD 5000.83, Technology and Program protection. It strongly suggests that to maintain the momentum we have created in the C5ISR community at APG over the past 3-5 years adjustments will have to be made with how information is shared. As less and less information is posted on publicly releasable sites, Industry and Government will have to work together to get information in protected channels. For example, PEO C3T’s Joint Communications Marketplace, JCM, becomes even more important now – if you don’t have an account, I would strongly recommend you get one. Also the vetting that the C5ISR Center did when FOUO presentations were provided in 2016 and 2018 will become the norm. We know how to do this; both industry and government have very strong incentives to do so…looking forward to maintaining the free flow of useful information in the right forums.
  • Recommend that ACC-APG comment on Federal ruling as it relates to practices and procedures going forward: Federal court rules that agencies must apply the Rule of Two before deciding to use an existing IDIQ. In an important court decision for small business contracting, Federal Judge Matthew Solomson ruled that agencies must apply the Rule of Two before the agency elects to use a multiple-award IDIQ vehicle to award its requirements.
  • SMA is looking for mentors

February 2022

Board Changes

  • Board Secretary: Randy Rippin retired and is succeeded by Gary Webb
  • Sponsorship Committee: Gus Muller supported by Will Hurd and Dave Lockhart  

Pending/Board Actions

  • We are planning on doing a Spring 2022 Night Out at Ripken this year instead of in the Fall
  • Scholarship committee has initiated notification to High Schools in the local area to kick-off our scholarship campaign this year. We anticipate giving out approximately $3k this year
  • Based on feedback from several members and small organizations, the Board is drafting a short document that helps people, particularly small companies,  understand how to more effectively engage in the DoD environment
  • The board has begun discussion with the C5ISR Center on their next Technical Exchange Meeting with industry. The last was right before COVID and approximately 2 years of organizational change at the Center
  • Will query C5ISR Center for update on results of ALE Investment RFI…sent a reminder to Division Chief on 10 December 2021.
  • Will query ACC-APG on a few RS3 follows such as the next industry day and whether RS3 will take over SSES NexGen workload…
  • Will query PEO C3T update its next newsletter update…community found them very useful and looking for the next update

General Observations/Cross Enterprise

  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations
  • The Army has published the Army Unified Network Plan. It can be found on the PEO C3T homepage. As the PAO suggested, it is a must read.
  • Association leads/member companies – please provide feedback on any changes you experienced with the execution of the RS3 contract following some of the changes ACC-APG indicated they would be open to making last year.

Messages from Our Sponsors and Those we Sponsor/Support

  • We are working to bring on three new sponsors in early FY22 and of course are happy to have others join our team.
  • Looking at expanding our scholarship program to reach out the Baltimore City Schools supported by the Building Steps 501(C3) organization that helps kids in many of these challenged schools get through high school and college


NDIA is facilitating discussions between the government and industry focused on improving transparency, information flow, and work force development.  We engage major organizations and facilitate resourcing and leadership focus on key activities. We are meeting with the following organizations. If you have any suggestions for topics or questions for the command please submit them to our Chapter President, David Lockhart at (703) 872-4804, or e-mail

Transparency Focused Issues and Challenges

  • APG Contracting Environment Awareness
    • ID/IQ and Customers They Generally Serve
    • OTAS and Customers They Generally Serve
  • Separation of SETA Support and Services Task Orders on Various ID/Iqs
  • Improve Division Quarterly Reporting
  • PALT Like Activity for APG
  • Clarification on Access to USG Personnel following RFI, Sources Sought, DRFP, RFP
  • Improvements to Beta Sam.Gov

Information Flow Related Issues and Challenges

  • Focus on access and flow of information from USG customers to industry earlier in the process
  • Establishment of bidders libraries to Inform IR&D Investment and Development
  • Applies to every organization
  • Technical Information pertaining to Integrated Tactical Network Architecture and Design
  • Technical Information Pertaining to the Persistent Cyber Training Environment
  • Technical Information Pertaining to MFEW Variants
  • Technical Information Related to the JPEO CBRND Digitial Engineering Environment/Inititiative
  • Cancellation of 2020 C5ISR Center Tech Exchange with Industry

Work Force Development Relate Issues and Challenges

  • Need by major organization over next 5-10 years
  • Need by major organization and skill set over next 5 years