
October 2024

  • Several APG Professional Associations (NDIA, IRA, AFCEA, AUSA) have joined forces to support to the National AUSA conference 14-16 October 2024.

12 September 2022

  • Coordinating with the C5ISR Center for a presentation on how to more effectively work within the confines of DoD 5000.83 – will address new rules, policies, and procedures reference protecting the distribution of sensitive information to industry in appropriate spaces, i.e., PEO C3T’s JCM. Will contemplate engaging ASA(ALT) policy and or DASM office to continue this effort.
  • Working with ACC-APG to understand the contours of their broader industry engagement plan. Will be a multifaceted plan that includes something like a PALT/ALT for more APG organizations; more frequent technology exchanges with industry; etc., 
  • NDIA National Leadership Conference will be held 16-17 November 2022 in Washington, DC
  • Board in the process of communicating with local high schools and HCC about NDIAs scholarship opportunities
  • Other local association leads, please see email attachment highlighting request from State of MD Regional Director Europe
  • We would like to congratulate BG Jeth Rey for his recent promotion to MG on 1 September. Excellent ceremony and celebration.  
  • Linkage between US Government Programs (OTA, S&T, Programs of Record), IR&D, Flow of USG Tech Data, and industry preparedness for follow-on Government competition. In conjunction with other chapters, our chapter is leading the charge on illuminating and improving this important process. Over the past 3 months we have had the opportunity to discuss with ASA(ALT), Honorable Doug Bush, during the 11-13 July JADC2 Conference; ASA (ALT)Principal Civilian Deputy, Young Bang;  NCFT;  PEO C3T; PEO IEW&S; C5ISR Center; PEO STRI; PEO Aviation; and ACC-Redstone. Actively working with NCFT and PEO C3T to flush out in the C5ISR community. Strong interest from NDIA Washington DC chapter to team up with APG NDIA Chapter to bring this issue to NDIA National for inclusion in discussions with OSD and Congress.  
  • Please be on the lookout/alert for messages claiming to be from me or other chapter officers soliciting for money, cards, etc., it is an on-going Scam that is impacting National NDIA affiliate and other Associations

1 June 2022

Major successes/advancements we have collectively been able to accomplish from 2014 to the present:

  • ACC-APG changes to communicating Multiple Award ID/IQ opportunities; quarterly updates on on-going opportunities; creation of and conducting quarterly S3CoE symposiums; Update on most misunderstood contracting myths
  • Network CFT/PEO C3T introduction of the Joint Communications Marketplace; Services Contract Updates; Richer Information in NCFT/PEO C3T TEMS; Quarterly Newsletter
  • PEO IEW&S introduction of monthly/bi-monthly ALTS;  PM EW&C annual strategic guidance; ability to schedule on-line industry engagements
  • CECOM expanded ability of industry to provide input to annual APBIs
  • DEVCOM C5ISR Center’s introduction of FOUO/CUI annual/bi-annual technical exchange meeting with industry; ability to schedule on-line industry engagements
  • All Organizations – more meaningful information contained in sources sought and requests for information; more active engagement with industry; movement away from LPTA acquisitions as a matter of course; More active involvement with NDIA

21 January 2021

NDIA applauds the newly issued LPTA Regulation

The FAR clause for LPTA has been amended.  The intent of this rule is to implement section 880 of the NDAA for FY 2019 in the FAR. Sections 813 of the NDAA for FY 2017 and 822 of the NDAA for FY 2018, which prescribe limitations on the use of the LPTA source selection process for DoD, are implemented in the DFARS. These statutes, as codified, are similar, but not identical, in text. As such, the statutes are implemented separately, and in their entirety, in the FAR and DFARS, respectively, in order to provide contracting officers with a single, complete, clear, and uniform policy on the use of the LPTA source selection process, as it applies to their agency. Contracting officers are responsible for being aware of and complying with acquisition policies and procedures, including the FAR and other applicable agency regulations; therefore, it is not necessary to make cross-references to agency supplements in the FAR.


5. Amend section 15.101-2 by adding paragraphs (c) and (d) to read as follows: 15.101-2 Lowest price technically acceptable source selection process. * * * * * 

(c) Except for DoD, in accordance with section 880 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Pub. L. 115-232, 41 U.S.C. 3701 Note), the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process shall only be used when- 

(1) The agency can comprehensively and clearly describe the minimum requirements in terms of performance objectives, measures, and standards that will be used to determine the acceptability of offers; 

(2) The agency would realize no, or minimal, value from a proposal that exceeds the minimum technical or performance requirements; 

(3) The agency believes the technical proposals will require no, or minimal, subjective judgment by the source selection authority as to the desirability of one offeror’s proposal versus a competing proposal; 

(4) The agency has a high degree of confidence that reviewing the technical proposals of all offerors would not result in the identification of characteristics that could provide value or benefit to the agency; 

(5) The agency determined that the lowest price reflects the total cost, including operation and support, of the product(s) or service(s) being acquired; and 

(6) The contracting officer documents the contract file describing the circumstances that justify the use of the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process. 

(d) Except for DoD, in accordance with section 880 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Pub. L. 115-232, 41 U.S.C. 3701 Note), contracting officers shall avoid, to the maximum extent practicable, using the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process in the case of a procurement that is predominantly for the acquisition of- 

(1) Information technology services, cybersecurity services, systems engineering and technical assistance services, advanced electronic testing, audit or audit readiness services, health care services and records, telecommunications devices and services, or other knowledge-based professional services; 

(2) Personal protective equipment; or  (3) Knowledge-based training or logistics services in contingency operations or other operations outside the United States, including in Afghanistan or Iraq.